Our Values

We are committed to developing a world-class nonprofit to showcase the legacy of Indiana’s electric railway industry with the utmost intentional application of ethical behavior, industry best practice, innovation, diversity and inclusion, community focus and authenticity.

We are -

Community Focused - We are here to serve the community and guests of our immersive experiences. As part of that service-oriented mindset, we treat everyone with honesty, dignity, and respect - including fellow team members. There is no “I” and there is no “me”. We are here as a cohesive team to further a community-centric mission and vision. We are here to develop a world-class institution, of which the legacy of Indiana’s electric railway system and its people deserve.

Caretakers of History and Human Legacies - We are the caretakers of priceless artifacts from Indiana’s electric railway heritage. As such, we see them as the valuable, interpretive tools they are for re-creating authentic experiences within authentic settings. We realize the responsibility and honor of doing so and act as the caretaker’s of irreplaceable public treasures.

Connective - We are a connective thread between our past, present, and future. We will not only tell the story of our electric railway heritage, but immerse the public in interpretive experiences by providing real transportation as part of the experience - ultimately using our history to stimulate thought and innovation regarding our future as a whole.

Diverse and Inclusive - We realize Indiana’s electric railway industry moved and served people of all types, backgrounds, and socioeconomic positions. Given this, we strive to provide inclusive opportunities and programming that support the diverse nature of the industry we represent - an industry that sparked opportunity for thousands of Hoosiers and changed the course of history.

Committed to Excellence - Every field has a standard of excellence. We will set the standard of excellence for destination tourism by developing an unparalleled and devoted team as well as world-class educational and historical experiences. We will provide unequivocal value to the region by showcasing Indiana’s rich transportation history through an educational, authentic, and economically impactful organization that focuses on the greater good.