In-Kind Donation Wish List | Hoosier Heartland Trolley Company
Volunteer and board member Matthew Kertes makes progress on the restoration of interurban No. 429 with supplies donated in-kind.
In-Kind donations of materials, machinery, tools, and other equipment facilitate the vital work of the Hoosier Heartland Trolley Company to revive our world-famous electric railway history.
Please contact us if you’re interested in contributing a needed piece of equipment, tooling, or material listed. As a nonprofit 501(c)(3), all in-kind gifts are deductible at fair-market valuation. Services and time are not deductible, per the internal revenue code.
Tooling & Restoration Equipment
These items will be used to authentically restore interurbans and streetcars within our collection and facilitate the completion of industrial tasks to accomplish such restorations.
Shop vacuum (contractor grade)
Extension cords (contractor grade)
Portable work lights
Safety equipment - glasses, ear plugs, dust masks, gloves
Cutting wheels
Wire brushes
Wheelbarrow (contractor grade)
Push brooms
Drill bits (up to 1/2")
¾ and larger drill motors
Drill bit sharpener
Circular metal cutting bits
½ square socket
Rolling toolboxes
Collapsible/stackable storage bins
Combination wrenches
Hex (pipe type) adjustable wrenches
Large pipe wrenches
Ratchet sets
Air hoses-Industrial type for pneumatic tools - Chicago, etc.
Torque multipliers
Welding helmets, clamps, and shields
Pipe threaders and cutters
Safety harnesses
Eye wash station
First Aid kits
Come alongs
Heavy duty extension cords and 3-way splitters
Parts bins
240 V industrial cords
Upholstery tooling
Electrical tape, wire splices
Band saw
Drill press
Salamander-type heaters
Wood-working equipment and tooling (planer, sander, jointer, etc.)
Industrial air compressor
Industrial sewing machine
Skid loader
Off-road forklift
Pressure washer
Industrial grade drum fan
Sandblasting cabinet
50 Ton and larger hydraulic jacks
Jib crane, chain hoists, electric hoists, lifting straps
MIG, TIG, and stick welder
Oxy-acetylene torches
Industrial paint sprayer
Digital multimeter
Railroad-grade wiring
Railroad wheel sets
Railroad springs
Paint, varnishes, etc.
Linoleum flooring
Welding rod/wire
Historic Artifacts
The Hoosier Heartland Trolley Company accepts artifacts that support our mission and enable interpretation of our world-famous electric railway heritage. Please contact us to arrange an artifact donation with our collections staff to ensure your gift meets our collections policy scope and guidelines.*
*Acceptance of donated artifacts is dependent upon approval from the HHTC Collections Committee to ensure proper care and collection fulfillment.
Historic Artifacts of Interest
Interurban or streetcar bodies and/or associated parts
Historic paper documents, such as timetables, maps, letters, or paperwork
Historic photographs
Historic support artifacts, such as telegraphs, phones, stamps, furniture, light fixtures, etc.
Personal accessories such as pocket watches, badges, etc.
Period public relations and advertising materials