Community — Live Wire Blog — Hoosier Heartland Trolley Co.

Apply to volunteer! Make a New Year’s Resolution to give back to your community, meet new friends, and preserve Hoosier history. Opportunities include restoration, research, outreach and fundraising, accounting, and marketing.


How Adaptive Reuse and Hoosier Passion Preserved Railway Heritage

How Adaptive Reuse and Hoosier Passion Preserved Railway Heritage

So, what does a gravel pit office, tire shed, house, an outdoor cabin and a helicopter ride have in common?

-A captivating story full of twists and turns, legendary artifacts from Indiana’s past, and forward-thinking Hoosiers that have worked tirelessly across generations to preserve our world-renowned electric railway heritage.

From the President's Desk: Year One in Review

From the President's Desk: Year One in Review

It’s hard to believe that already one year has gone by since the founding of our organization. As a quick introduction, my name is Austin Mace and I am the current president of the Hoosier Heartland Trolley Company (HHTC). I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight what we’ve accomplished in the past 365 days, where we’re going next and how we got here in the first place.