Indiana Nonprofit

2021 Year-in-Review | A Letter from the Board of Directors

2021 Year-in-Review | A Letter from the Board of Directors

2021 marks another year of significant progress, being one of the most productive working seasons for our organization to date. We’d like to extend our sincerest “thank you” to our volunteers, donors and the community for continued support, as we further our mission of preserving and telling the story of Indiana’s rich electric railroad history. We believe that our story of community, industrial innovation and connecting people with places is relevant now more than ever. Despite the disruptions and hardships brought by the global COVID-19 pandemic, with your continued support, we have been able to steadily and safely make progress on many organization-wide and project-level goals - setting our organization up for sustained success in 2022.

Roaring 20s Anew: Looking Towards an Electrifying Future

Roaring 20s Anew: Looking Towards an Electrifying Future

From president Austin Mace and the Board of Directors. 2019 was a banner year for the Hoosier Heartland Trolley Company, with a number of projects starting throughout the organization and taking shape. As year-end approaches, please consider a tax-deductible donation to our Electrify 429 campaign or general fund.

From the President's Desk: Year One in Review

From the President's Desk: Year One in Review

It’s hard to believe that already one year has gone by since the founding of our organization. As a quick introduction, my name is Austin Mace and I am the current president of the Hoosier Heartland Trolley Company (HHTC). I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight what we’ve accomplished in the past 365 days, where we’re going next and how we got here in the first place.